Welcome to heatcapacity’s documentation!

This is the documentation of the heatcapacity library. It is divided into three parts, a quick overview, the user guide and of course the api reference.


from slave.transport import LinuxGpib
import heatcapacity as hc

# We use a Keithley model 6221 as current source,
source = hc.K6221CurrentSource(LinuxGpib(8))

# a Keithley model 2182A Nanovoltmeter to measure the voltage drop at the
# heater,
powermeter = hc.K2182Powermeter(LinuxGpib(9))

#and a lakeshore model 370 to determine the platform temperature.
thermometer = hc.LS370Thermometer(LinuxGpib(10))

# We sample at a rate of 0.1 s and use a step pulse with 1 uA to excite the
# system.
sampling_time = 0.1
pulse_sequence = [0.] * 60 * sampling_time + [1.] * 60 * sampling_time

# The PulseMeasurement object is used to acquire the data.
measurement = hc.PulseMeasurement(currentsource, powermeter, thermometer,
                                  pulse, sampling_time)
timestamp, power, temperature = measurement.start()

# We fit a first order model to get the heat capacity.
model = hc.FirstOrderModel.fit(timestamp, temperature, power)

print('C {}; K {}'.format(model.heat_capacity, model.thermal_conductivity))

API Reference

This part of the documentation covers the complete api of the heatcapacity library.

Indices and tables